Dating stanley 45 plane
Dating > Dating stanley 45 plane
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Dating > Dating stanley 45 plane
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Click on link to view: ※ Dating stanley 45 plane - Link ※ Nancy1999 ♥ Profile
The inside surface is rounded to allow the fence to work at angles from 90 to 45 degrees. It's like they did half the work, but all for nothing. On later models this is of two-piece construction.
Jay, if you are out there, please email me! If you ever see a Howkins you'll see what I mean... While in Ottawa, I was also a member of the Outaouais Woodcarvers At times in our moves I didn't have much room to devoted to woodworking, but I discovered a thing called Ebay and became somewhat more of a tool collector than a user. It was my job to organize presentations, demo, visits etc.
Dating Stanley no. 45 combination plane - Non-adjustable throat, with cam-lock cap and screw- type.